I have had some conversation with Tiberius, according to your desire,  Vertaling - I have had some conversation with Tiberius, according to your desire,  Nederlands hoe om te zeggen

I have had some conversation with T

I have had some conversation with Tiberius, according to your desire, my dear Livia, as to what must be done with your grandson, Tiberius, at the games of Mars.We are both agreed in this, that, once for all, we ought to determine what course to take with him. For if he be really sound and, so to speak, quite right in his intellects, why should we hesitate to promote him by the same steps and degrees we did his brother ? But if we find him below par, and deficientboth in body and mind, we must beware of giving occasion for him and ourselves to be laughed at by the world, which is ready enough to make such things the subject of mirth and derision. For we shall be never easy, if we are always to be debating upon every occasion of this kind, without settling, in the first instance, whether he be really capable of public offices or not. With regard to what you consult me about at the present moment, I am not against his superintendingthe feast of the priests, in the games of Mars, if he will suffer himself to be governed by his kinsman, Silanus's son, that he may do nothing to make the people stare and laugh at him. But I do not approve of his witnessing the Circensian games from the Pulvinar. He will be there exposed to view in the very front of the theatre. Nor do I like that he should go to the Alban Mount, or be at Rome during the Latin festival. For if he be capable of attending his brother to the mount, why is he not made prefect of the city ? Thus, my dear Livia, you have my thoughts upon the matter. In my opinion, we ought to settle this affair once for all, that we may not be always in suspense between hope and fear. You may, if you think proper, give your kinsman Antonia this part of my letter to read."
In another letter, he writes as follows: " I shall invite the youth, Tiberius, every day during your absence, to supper, that he may not sup alone with his friends Sulpicius and Athenodorus. I wish the poor creature was more cautious and attentive in the choice of someone, whose manners, air, and gait might be proper for his imitation: In things of consequence he sadly fails. Where his mind does not run astray, he discovers a noble disposition." In a third letter, he says, Ò Let me die, my dear Livia, if I am not astonished, that the declamation of your grandson, Tiberius, should please me; for how he who talks so ill, should be able to declaim so clearly and properly, I cannot imagine." There is no doubt but Augustus, after this, came to a resolution upon the subject, and, accordingly, left him invested with no other honour than that of the Augural priesthood; naming him amongst the heirs of the third degree, who were but distantly allied to his family, for a sixth part of his estate only, with a legacy of no more than eight hundred thousand sesterces.
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Resultaten (Nederlands) 1: [Kopiëren]
I have had some conversation with Tiberius, according to your desire, my dear Livia, as to what must be done with your grandson, Tiberius, at the games of Mars.We are both agreed in this, that, once for all, we ought to determine what course to take with him. For if he be really sound and, so to speak, quite right in his intellects, why should we hesitate to promote him by the same steps and degrees we did his brother ? But if we find him below par, and deficientboth in body and mind, we must beware of giving occasion for him and ourselves to be laughed at by the world, which is ready enough to make such things the subject of mirth and derision. For we shall be never easy, if we are always to be debating upon every occasion of this kind, without settling, in the first instance, whether he be really capable of public offices or not. With regard to what you consult me about at the present moment, I am not against his superintendingthe feast of the priests, in the games of Mars, if he will suffer himself to be governed by his kinsman, Silanus's son, that he may do nothing to make the people stare and laugh at him. But I do not approve of his witnessing the Circensian games from the Pulvinar. He will be there exposed to view in the very front of the theatre. Nor do I like that he should go to the Alban Mount, or be at Rome during the Latin festival. For if he be capable of attending his brother to the mount, why is he not made prefect of the city ? Thus, my dear Livia, you have my thoughts upon the matter. In my opinion, we ought to settle this affair once for all, that we may not be always in suspense between hope and fear. You may, if you think proper, give your kinsman Antonia this part of my letter to read."
In another letter, he writes as follows: " I shall invite the youth, Tiberius, every day during your absence, to supper, that he may not sup alone with his friends Sulpicius and Athenodorus. I wish the poor creature was more cautious and attentive in the choice of someone, whose manners, air, and gait might be proper for his imitation: In things of consequence he sadly fails. Where his mind does not run astray, he discovers a noble disposition." In a third letter, he says, Ò Let me die, my dear Livia, if I am not astonished, that the declamation of your grandson, Tiberius, should please me; for how he who talks so ill, should be able to declaim so clearly and properly, I cannot imagine." There is no doubt but Augustus, after this, came to a resolution upon the subject, and, accordingly, left him invested with no other honour than that of the Augural priesthood; naming him amongst the heirs of the third degree, who were but distantly allied to his family, for a sixth part of his estate only, with a legacy of no more than eight hundred thousand sesterces.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
Resultaten (Nederlands) 2:[Kopiëren]
Ik heb een aantal gesprek met Tiberius had, volgens uw wens, mijn lieve Livia, over wat er moet gebeuren met je kleinzoon, Tiberius, op de spelen van Mars.We worden zowel in dit overeengekomen, dat, eens en voor altijd, moeten we te bepalen welke koers te nemen met hem. Want als hij echt te klinken en, bij wijze van spreken, helemaal goed in zijn intellect, waarom zouden we aarzelen om hem te bevorderen door dezelfde stappen en graden we deden zijn broer? Maar als we hem vinden onder de maat, en deficientboth in lichaam en geest, moeten we oppassen voor die gelegenheid geven voor hem en onszelf op te worden uitgelachen door de wereld, die is klaar genoeg om zulke dingen het onderwerp van vrolijkheid en spot te maken. Want wij zijn nooit gemakkelijk, als we zijn altijd te debatteren bij elke gelegenheid van dit soort, zonder de afwikkeling, in eerste instantie, of hij werkelijk in staat openbare kantoren of niet. Met betrekking tot wat je me raadplegen over op dit moment, ik ben niet tegen zijn superintendingthe feest van de priesters, in de games van Mars, als hij zich zal lijden te worden geregeerd door zijn bloedverwant, Silanus's zoon, dat hij niets kan doen om de mensen staren en lachen om hem. Maar ik denk niet goedkeuren van zijn getuige van de Circensian games uit de pulvinar. Hij zal zicht te in het voor het theater. Noch heb ik graag dat hij moet gaan naar het Alban Berg, of zijn in Rome tijdens de Latin festival. Want als hij in staat zijn om het bijwonen van zijn broer naar de berg, waarom is hij niet prefect van de stad gemaakt? Zo, mijn lieve Livia, je hebt mijn gedachten over de kwestie. Naar mijn mening, moeten we deze zaak voor eens voor al, dat we niet altijd in spanning tussen hoop en vrees kunnen zijn. U kunt, als je de juiste denken, geef uw bloedverwant Antonia dit deel van mijn brief te lezen ".
In een andere brief, schrijft hij het ​​volgende: "Ik zal de jeugd, Tiberius, elke dag tijdens uw afwezigheid uit te nodigen, om avondmaal, dat hij mogen niet alleen maaltijd met zijn vrienden Sulpicius en Athenodorus. Ik wou dat het arme dier was voorzichtiger en aandachtig in de keuze van iemand, wiens manieren, lucht, en manier van lopen juiste voor zijn imitatie zou kunnen zijn: in de dingen van consequentie hij helaas mislukt. Waar zijn geest niet dwalen lopen, ontdekt hij een nobel karakter. "In een derde brief, zegt hij, laat mij sterven, mijn lieve Livia, als ik me niet verbaasd, dat de declamatie van uw kleinzoon, Tiberius, zou mij plezieren want hoe hij die zo ziek praat, moet in staat zijn om zo duidelijk en goed te declameren, ik kan me niet voorstellen ". Er is geen twijfel, maar Augustus, na deze, kwam tot een resolutie over het onderwerp, en, bijgevolg, liet hem geïnvesteerd met geen andere eer dan die van het voorspellend priesterschap; het benoemen van hem onder de erfgenamen van de derde graad, die maar waren verre geallieerde aan zijn familie, voor een zesde deel van alleen zijn landgoed, met een erfenis van niet meer dan achthonderdduizend sestertiën.
Wordt vertaald, even geduld aub..
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