We kunnen niet werkeloos toekijken terwijl 40.000 Syriërs van honger omkomen. We roepen u op om alle partijen samen te brengen om zo snel mogelijk de blokkade van Madaya en andere belegerde steden in Syrië op te heffen.
We cannot idly watch as 40000 Syrians of hunger. We call on you to bring together all the parties as soon as possible, the blockade of Madaya and other besieged cities in Syria.
We can not idly stand by while 40 000 Syrians die of hunger. We call on you to bring together all parties to lift the blockade of Madaya and other besieged towns in Syria as soon as possible.
we can not stand idly by while 40000 people die of hunger. we call on all parties to bring together as soon as possible the blockade of madaya and other besieged cities in syria to resolve.